Here you can listen to some tracks that feature Jim’s playing or check out some images.
“You are my ideal lead trumpet player. Beautiful sound, great musical instincts and style plus great chops.”
– Chris Jaudes
When I Fall in Love (Live at Ironwood with Prime Time Big Band) Arrangement by great friend and trumpet player Greg Bush
Angels (Recorded at home)
Groovin’ Hard (Playing lead with Prime Time Big Band)
- Andrea Tofanelli, Jim Murray, Jens Lindemann, Chris Jaudes, Allen Vizzutti, Doc Severinsen.
- Jim with Doc Severinsen
- Jim with Wayne Bergeron
- Allen Vizzutti, Jim Murray, Jens Lindemann
- Duet with Guido Basso
- Duet with Allen Vizzutti
- Jeff Tyzik, Jim Murray, Byron Stripling
- Amazing Prime Time Big Band section with Guido Basso
- Duet with Allen Vizzutti
- Doc playing Jim’s personal horn
- ITG finale in Banff, AB
- On stage with Josh Groban
- Jim with Nikki Yanofsky
- Up front with Prime Time Big Band